
Our community is hurting.

June 2, 2020

Dear Beloved Community,  

I come to you today with an open yet weary heart; as the Executive Director of The Volunteer Center of the Triad, as a concerned citizen of our country, a wife and a mother.  I feel deep emotions of anger, frustration, sadness, and disappointment – we can do better and The Volunteer Center promises to stand up and help our community be better. 

Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. Christian Cooper. We say their names in protests, we hear their names in the media but do we know their stories? Make it a point to learn their story, truly listen. Because I believe there isn’t a person you wouldn’t love if you could read their story.   And though the stories are not new, they are current examples of bias, systematic racism and brutality and it has become all too common.  

I live a life of privilege because I never have to be aware of the color of my skin as it relates to my daily actions. 

Inequality is visible throughout our society. The Volunteer Center vows to live out our mission statement:  

The Volunteer Center strengthens our community by creating meaningful volunteer connections. We connect people, promote volunteerism, support nonprofits, and build partnerships. 

We will practice equality in our work with individuals, volunteers, nonprofits, corporations, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, and all others while we provide quality service and meaningful service opportunities to the entire community. We promise to do this with integrity, respect for all, and open-mindedness.   

This is an important time in our lives to take action.  We are empathetic and we are listening. We encourage and invite you to take action, understand that you can personally make a difference in your community.  

We can proudly say all people are welcomed, valued, and respected and Black Lives Matter!  


Carley Swaim Walker  

Executive Director  

The Volunteer Center of the Triad  

[email protected]  

717 Green Valley Rd. Suite 200, GSO, 27408 • (336) 373-1633
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