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1500 Yanceyville Street
Greensboro, NC 27405



Provides 4 nonprofits with an annual membership to The Volunteer Center. Benefits include access to our online volunteer database where organizations can post volunteer needs in real time. Available through The Volunteer Center website, this database is accessed by more than 30,000 potential volunteers annually.



Provides 4 nonprofits with annual membership plus Volunteer Engagement Training, a program that provides nonprofits with the knowledge of how to build and maintain a strong volunteer program (55% of nonprofits do not have a volunteer management program, even though they rely on volunteers to fulfill their missions).



Funds our Family Day of Service, an opportunity for families to volunteer together to help local nonprofits. This event promotes volunteer opportunities for all ages and demonstrates that no one is too young to help make an impact in our community.

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Supports our Community Compass Program, where volunteer navigators help individuals in need find access to services that address essential needs in our community.



Provides 10 nonprofits with annual members, Volunteer Engagement Training, plus Board Member Essentials, a special training for new or potential board members that covers the basics of being an effective board member

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$10,000 – Funds two service-learning projects for VolunTeen, our youth volunteer leadership program focused on providing ways to learn about our community and get involved. VolunTeen empowers youth to force positive social change through civic engagement. (Studies show that the earlier youth engage in volunteering, the more likely they are to be lifelong volunteers).

Our mission since 1963

The Volunteer Center strengthens our community by creating meaningful volunteer connections. We connect people, promote volunteerism, support nonprofits, and build partnerships. For nearly 60 years, The Volunteer Center has served the Triad area community by connecting people to their passion through volunteering. This gives nonprofits throughout the community the strength to pursue theirs.
717 Green Valley Rd. Suite 200, GSO, 27408 • (336) 373-1633
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